Memories !!

The very 1st day of life on earth for every living thing is the “BIRTH DAY”….

Seconds goes…. minutes run… days passes… months keep changing… years get increased…. What not with the time !!!

Yup !! Time is something which you cannot hold or pause. So when I understand the movement of time, I do not think of creating a time machine which is going to help me with travelling to my past or future. But it is the memories which I have to preserve.

Memories….What is it ? Does it get created by itself ? Does someone else create it for you always ? The answer is NO……!!!

We create our memories. The forgettable incidents that happen as and when the time moves. Few memories are sweet, many happy, few are painful, etc,. The flavour of my memory depends on the creator and most of the time, it is ME !

Every year, the 1st day we came to earth makes us feel special. 🙂 🙂

That special day is celebrated in the way we want to. Not all celebrations happens with your mom, dad, some someone special, birthday song, claps, chocolates, treats, fun, etc.

This makes me think, what memory does others have about me from the years which I have crossed. 1..2..3..4.. May be countable..

Thinking… Thinking… Thinking !!!

Finally a bang !!! I am also God’s creation. What’s the reason of my birth ? Why have I been brought to this place called ‘EARTH‘ ? Why should I be a part of other’s memory ? What is the impact of being in other’s memory ?

So many questions… But no answer.. Am in search mode 😀 😀

I see my memories with a different perception. I see other people in my memories. I don’t even know why are they in my memory ? What do they do in my memory ? I dig in my memory, I travel a looooooong way searching the answer…….

I find happie and good memories. They make me smile. Few make me proud of what I have done. Few have made me bring happiness in other people’s life. These memories help me take life positively and happily. This gives me strength. 

I find bad memories. They teach me lessons of LIFE. They teach me how to react to certain people. They let me know the different kinds of human available. They help me understand the level of negativity and also to avoid the same.

Yeah !!! I have found the reason of me being on this EARTH for these many years. LIFE on earth is to live happily and not to spoil other’s happiness. As TIME moves, things changes, people around me will change but I will still exist with all these memories motivating me to complete my creator’s wish.

And one day I shall become a happie memory in some one else’s life 🙂 🙂 🙂

Whatever happens life goes on……..

Cheers 🙂 😉

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